Duties and responsibilities:
Acupuncture is the stimulation of
specific acupuncture points along the skin of the body involving various
methods such as penetration by thin needles or the application of heat,
pressure, or laser light. Acupuncture aims to treat a range of conditions,
though is most commonly used for pain relief.
Salary: $79,000- $94,000
Most acupuncture and TCM training
programs require students to have a bachelor's degree. There are
around 50 of them in the United States, all of which offer certification in
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (AOM), which is also known as TCM. Your
coursework will require you to study acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and
Asian bodywork, though each college will have a different emphasis. Most
schools take about 3-4 years to finish and you'll graduate with a master's
degree in acupuncture or Oriental medicine.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I wouldn’t like to be one because I’m afraid of needles. Also I wouldn’t like
to be one because I’m afraid I will messed up.
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