Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Yoga Therapists

Duties and responsibilities:

The field of yoga therapy is due for a big growth spurt. The increasing popularity of yoga, the mounting scientific evidence for the therapeutic benefits of yoga practice, the aging of the baby boomers into the decades in which chronic diseases become common, and the public’s continuing desire to find safe and effective adjuncts and alternatives to conventional medical care all bode well for the growth of yoga as medicine. I worry, however, that the yoga world may not be prepared for the demand. In the years to come, there may be many more people seeking yoga therapy than there are qualified teachers to provide it.

Salary: $36,000 - $66,000


Some schools offer training in therapy for teachers who have already completed YTT. Prominent teachers offer workshops and trainings in a variety of areas, such as Yoga for Depression and Yoga for People with HIV/AIDS. You can also find training in specific modalities with therapeutic utility, such as in Nyungar-based restoratives, mindfulness-based stress reduction, or the guided meditation of Yoga Nitra.

Reflection: No I would like to be a yoga therapist because its boring.

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