Monday, September 15, 2014

Auricular therapy

Duties and Responsibilities:

Auricular therapy, or auricular therapy, or ear acupuncture, or auricular acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a micro system which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. Conditions affecting the physical, mental or emotional health of the patient are assumed to be treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively. Similar mappings are used in many areas of the body, including the practices of reflexology and ideology. These mappings were not originally based on or supported by any medical or scientific evidence, but rather clinical observation.

Salary: $38,000 – $137,000


Nogier went on to discover the Vascular Autonomic Signal, a distinct change in the amplitude of the pulse, easily felt with the tip of the thumb at the radial artery. This mechanism, Nogier found, would only produce a signal upon the introduction of new information to the patient's electromagnetic field. He was now working with the principle of matching resonance. He then found that he could use this signal to detect which points on the ear micro system were active. This method is used in many applications of Auricular Medicine today.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?

I wouldn’t like to be an auricular therapist because I do not like needles or injecting needles into someone. 

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